Kidneys for Communities® needs your support


Put your kidney where your heart is… consider becoming a living kidney donor for someone in need.

Esrom’s childhood has passed him by, and now it seems that the same is going to happen to his teenage years.

About Esrom

When meeting Esrom, you immediately know his is not the life led by a typical 15-year-old.

Instead of spending hours playing basketball outdoors, he spends three days a week at four-hour dialysis treatments. Socializing with friends and teachers at school is no longer part of his day, as Esrom now attends a virtual school due to recent infections that complicate his existing health conditions.

At five years old, Esrom was diagnosed with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, a condition that has reshaped his childhood and now encroaches upon his adolescence.

Despite these challenges, Esrom's spirit remains unyielding.

While Esrom recently moved from in-person learning at his school to virtual learning, he remains dedicated to studying and consistently earns a place on the honor roll.

Esrom looks forward to celebrating his favorite holidays, such as Fasika, an Ethiopian celebration, and eating his favorite dishes on his birthday. 

While Esrom has been a patient in the eyes of many for more than half his life, he and his family are looking forward to the day he is seen as “just a teenager” who loves to play ball, go to a Rockets game, and spend time with his friends.  

If Esrom’s story impacted you, first share this link with your friends and family. If you are exploring the option of living kidney donation, the first step is to find out more and contact Kidneys for Communities at The Kidneys for Communities team is here to answer any questions.


How does kidney donation work?

A donor doesn’t need to be an exact match. In fact, because of the Nobel Prize-winning paired kidney exchange program, your kidney donation will not only save one life, but it will save several more in the chain.

Living kidney donation is safe, and all costs associated with your donation are covered. Living donor kidneys also last much longer than deceased donor kidneys. A deceased donor kidney transplant, on average, lasts 10-15 years while a living donor transplant lasts 12-20 years.

Kidneys for Communities® Donor Benefits

Donating a kidney is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling acts someone can do.

Kidneys for Communities can help you through the process to help save a life, but we know there are many obstacles that can be prohibitive to the donor. At Kidneys for Communities, we take care of our donors with the industry’s most complete donor benefits package:

Onboarding and education

Personalized guidance through the donation process


Cost reimbursements:

Travel, food & lodging, lost wages, child, pet and adult care

Future Kidney Pledge for donor and family

No cost

Commitment of a kidney for a patient in the community

Thank you, and we hope you consider this
life-saving act of generosity.

View more community members in need of a life saving kidney