Kidneys for Communities® needs your support


Conrad Evans

Put your kidney where your heart is… consider becoming a living kidney donor for someone in need.

Conrad Williams, affectionately known as The Rad Kidney Kid, has a story of resilience and hope that has touched the hearts of many. His mom and dad are searching for someone to save their brave little boy.

About Conrad Evans

At a routine 20-week ultrasound, Austyn and Branden's excitement was met with concern as the doctors diagnosed Conrad with lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO), a rare condition affecting his kidneys.

 This marked the beginning of a challenging journey for the family, involving multiple hospital stays and a move from Fort Walton Beach to Texas Children’s Pavilion for Women in Houston for specialized care.

Conrad's fight started early. Born prematurely at 35 weeks, he was immediately admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Displaying incredible strength, Conrad began dialysis at just a week old. Throughout his time in the NICU, Conrad faced numerous surgeries and blood transfusions. Despite these challenges, Conrad’s mom says, “Let me tell you, this kid's got spirit. Always smiling, laughing - he’s got this light in him that just won’t quit. His journey of resilience continues to inspire and move hearts worldwide."

The next step in Conrad's journey is a kidney transplant. Unfortunately, after donor workups, it was learned that both mom and dad cannot donate to him. Many of their immediate friends and family have also been ruled out as possible donors. 

Despite this setback, their search for a living donor for their little guy continues. A living donor is Conrad's best option. Kidneys from living donors also typically have a much longer lifespan. Given that Conrad may require more than one transplant in his lifetime, this becomes especially important.

"In the midst of all this medical stuff, Conrad is just a regular 20-month-old kiddo who 'loves Miss Rachel, being outdoors, climbing everything, and he’s all about his books.' We’re all dreaming of the day he can go play outside, splash around in a bath, and just be a kid without all these hospital trips." - Austyn and Branden Evans

A common question the Kidneys for Communities team receives is whether adults can donate to children, and the answer is yes. If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about living kidney donation or would like to learn more about how to help Conrad, please reach out to Kidneys for Communities, at The Kidneys for Communities team is here to provide answers to any additional questions you may have.


How does kidney donation work?

A donor doesn’t need to be an exact match. In fact, because of the Nobel Prize-winning paired kidney exchange program, your kidney donation will not only save one life, but it will save several more in the chain.

Living kidney donation is safe, and all costs associated with your donation are covered. Living donor kidneys also last much longer than deceased donor kidneys. A deceased donor kidney transplant, on average, lasts 10-15 years while a living donor transplant lasts 12-20 years.

Kidneys for Communities® Donor Benefits

Donating a kidney is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling acts someone can do.

Kidneys for Communities can help you through the process to help save a life, but we know there are many obstacles that can be prohibitive to the donor. At Kidneys for Communities, we take care of our donors with the industry’s most complete donor benefits package:

Onboarding and education

Personalized guidance through the donation process


Cost reimbursements:

Travel, food & lodging, lost wages, child, pet and adult care

Future Kidney Pledge for donor and family

No cost

Commitment of a kidney for a patient in the community

Thank you, and we hope you consider this
life-saving act of generosity.

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