Kidneys for Communities® needs your support


Put your kidney where your heart is… consider becoming a living kidney donor for someone in need.

Angel, a name chosen during a time of uncertainty and hope, fittingly describes this brave 12-year-old as he searches for a living kidney donor.

About Angel

Born against the odds, Angel's journey began when doctors detected very low amniotic fluid levels, predicting he might not survive pregnancy and could face severe health issues.

His mother, Vanessa, held onto hope and chose to continue with the pregnancy. Vanessa recalls the warnings from doctors, "They told me he might not survive more than a few hours after birth and prepared me for the likelihood of severe deformities." Against all expectations, Vanessa describes with immense gratitude, "He came out perfect."

By the time Angel was born, some kidney development had allowed him to enjoy a normal childhood. However, by the age of 8, his kidneys began to fail, leading to his need for dialysis over the last year. Now, at the age of 12, Angel urgently needs a kidney transplant. He requires nightly peritoneal dialysis to manage his condition, which can impact his daily activities. Unfortunately, this treatment often leaves him feeling unwell, especially in the mornings, as he frequently battles nausea.

Despite these challenges, Angel lives a life similar to other kids his age in many ways. He goes to school, does his homework, enjoys art, and loves video games. He was also a Boy Scout, an activity he enjoyed but has not been able to participate in since the Covid outbreak. He also loves being around his siblings and cousins—they game together, laugh a lot, and when Angel isn’t on dialysis, they're all about making the most of playing outside. 

Angel's journey is supported by a close-knit family and community. Despite their eagerness to help, Angel’s parents, aunt, and other relatives have been unable to donate a kidney due to medical restrictions. His grandparents are deeply involved in the Catholic church, providing a strong community network and lots of prayers. Additionally, Angel's father is a heavy equipment operator for a well-known company and is an active member of the Local 12 Union.

A common question the Kidneys for Communities team receives is whether adults can donate to children, and the answer is yes. If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about living kidney donation or would like to learn more about how to help Angel, please reach out to Kidneys for Communities at The Kidneys for Communities team is here to answer your questions.


How does kidney donation work?

A donor doesn’t need to be an exact match. In fact, because of the Nobel Prize-winning paired kidney exchange program, your kidney donation will not only save one life, but it will save several more in the chain.

Living kidney donation is safe, and all costs associated with your donation are covered. Living donor kidneys also last much longer than deceased donor kidneys. A deceased donor kidney transplant, on average, lasts 10-15 years while a living donor transplant lasts 12-20 years.

Kidneys for Communities® Donor Benefits

Donating a kidney is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling acts someone can do.

Kidneys for Communities can help you through the process to help save a life, but we know there are many obstacles that can be prohibitive to the donor. At Kidneys for Communities, we take care of our donors with the industry’s most complete donor benefits package:

Onboarding and education

Personalized guidance through the donation process


Cost reimbursements:

Travel, food & lodging, lost wages, child, pet and adult care

Future Kidney Pledge for donor and family

No cost

Commitment of a kidney for a patient in the community

Thank you, and we hope you consider this
life-saving act of generosity.

View more community members in need of a life saving kidney